
Star Wars: The Phoenix Legion: Part 10

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   On the barren homeworld of the Lat’rani, Gcarin, Commander Sno’tra and Bastion, as well as a number of Phoenix Legion soldiers were at a camp of Lat’rani. “So… how is this going to work sir?” Sno’tra asked of Gcarin.

    “I speak with the Chieftain, explain what is going on, and then work our way up from there.” Gcarin said as they entered the Chieftain’s tent.

   “Welcome, outlanders… I have been told by my Scout-Master that he saved you from Snowmen.” The Chieftain said, only Gcarin himself understanding the Lat’rani elder.

   “Yes, your warriors saved my men from certain defeat. And for that I am grateful, but this is not the end of things.” Gcarin said.

   “Of course not, the other tribes tell of the Snowmen marauding across the wilds. Slaughtering our people like animals… do you know why the Snowmen do this?” The Chieftain said.

   “Yes… first of all. There not Snowmen, they are Storm Troopers of the First Order. Suffice it to say, the First Order wishes to conquer the entire galaxy.” Gcarin said.

   “And what is this ‘galaxy’?” The Chieftain asked.

   “That depends; do you know where your enemies first came from?” Gcarin asked.

   “From beyond the sky, many of our people believe that the gods are displeased with us and have sent the Snowmen to punish us.” The Chieftain said.

   “That is not the case. They did not come here at the behest of your gods… they came here, because they wish to turn your planet into a weapon to annihilate stars.” Gcarin said.

   “And how would they do such a thing? Surely if it were possible they could forge many weapons then just one from our world.” The Chieftain asked.

   “Kill your people down to the last child, then they would hollow out the planet to put in the machinery needed to make there hated machine.” Gcarin said.

   “To what end?” The Chieftain asked.

   “To subjugate the entire galaxy, or have your home and more destroyed… or maybe at one point destroy the whole galaxy somehow. Frankly, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they would be content to just destroy everything, and just dominate what little remains.” Gcarin said.

   “…what do you propose outlander? What can we Lat’rani do against such reckless hate?” The Chieftain asked.

   “I believe we can help each other. Your people obviously have great knowledge of this barren waste you call home, and the First Order forces on this world are effectively stranded. I propose that, we of the Phoenix Legion provide you with resources needed to survive, and you help us find First Order Storm Troopers... and destroy them to the last.” Gcarin said.

   “Hmm… I will confer with my tribes Council. In the meantime, I wish that you and yours stay as honored guests of the Water-Seeker Tribe.” The Chieftain said.


   Meanwhile on C’hol Palentine, the Freemakers were trying to figure out the workings of the Force Orrery that they had spent the last decade constructing. “URGH! I’ve been focusing… and FOCUSING! But this thing just won’t track anything!” Rowan said in frustration.

   “Come on, we’ll figure this thing out little brother.” Kordi said reassuringly to her younger brother.

   “Yeah! I mean sure, all we’ve figured out is how to disintegrate Storm Troopers with this thing. But it really can’t be that hard to find Snoke with the Orrery.” Zandar said.

   “Maybe you should take a break Rowan… I made some cookies, and hot chocolate! And on top of that, Lifeday is coming up! We should celebrate!” Roger said as he presented a tray with fresh, Wookie shaped cookies on it.

   “… oh why the heck not? We’ve worked on the Orrery and we deserve some kind of break.” Rowan said as he and his siblings left with Roger to have a holiday snack.


   Meanwhile on the shadowy capital of the First Order, Snoke and Darth Coorva looked exhausted. “The Orrery… it must not find us. Even with Gcarin distracted, if he even suspects the truth of the matter. He will… bring great and terrible cataclysm upon us all.” Snoke said, tired and barley able to stand.

   “I knew I forgot something when I destroyed the Force Builders! I thought no one but they could figure out how to build another Orrery… why didn’t I think that they hid the instructions somewhere?” Darth Coorva said, tired herself.

   “Then… we must prepare further. Find some way to… to bolster our forces. I’ve already sacrificed too much, the Phoenix Legion has been sapping the numbers of my Storm Troopers, and even with the New Republic military crippled. The Legion has bolstered their forces so greatly, that they are now on equal footing with us. I’m not certain even your Obsidian Guards can make the difference.” Snoke said.

   “And this is where I come in, Supreme Leader.” A man said as he entered the room where the two darksiders were.

   “Admiral Hux… do what do we owe your presence...? and unannounced, and uninvited?” Snoke asked.

   “Forgive me, but I’ve been going over the numbers, and I believe I have a solution to our man power problem.” Hux said.

   “And what would that be…? Moreover, why shouldn’t I kill you for your impertinence and your presumption?” Darth Coorva said.

   “The solution is quite simple. Spaarti cloning cylinders, from what I understand the clones within can be created under a year. The only problem is that the only ones are on planet Cartao, within New Republic space. Now I propose, with your permission of course Supreme Leader. That we raid Cartao to acquire the Spaarti cloning cylinders, and the technology to build and maintain them, and then we use them to breed new Storm Troopers.” Hux explained.

   “Hmm… I was under the impression that you were against cloning Storm Troopers.” Snoke said.

   “I am… but with the Phoenix Legion in the mix. I’m afraid that the Spaarti cloning cylinders may be our best chance to gather the number to supplement our numbers without hurting the First Orders industrial capacity.” Hux said.

   “And would these Spaarti clones even be worth the risk?” Darth Coorva asked.

   “It is. Now I propose that Commander Phasma lead the ground-”

   “Oh! I know of her! Wasn’t she easily deposed of by a traitor within your ranks, and aging man and a Wookie? That reminds me of a joke that was popular on Nar Shaada in my youth, but involved a Mandalorian… and a bantha, kind of gross now that I look back on it.” Darth Coorva said.

   “Regardless of Commander Phasma’s failure on the original Starkiller Base, I know that she will deliver. I’ll lead the raid personally… and, I feel I must ask for the sake of it. But is Kylo Ren available for this mission?” Hux asked.

   “No… he is deep in meditation with the Dark Side, he must remain until he has communed fully with the spirt of Vader… and ascend to his full potential, which the Light would have denied him.” Snoke explained.


   “Master… are you certain you should do this?” Rey asked uncertainly of Luke.

   “I’ve put it off for years… make no mistake, I’m terrified of trying this again.” Luke said as he and Rey walked down a hallway in Autarch’s Landing. “But for the sake of the galaxy… the Jedi, must return.” Luke said as he accessed a console.

   “I know… but how will gathering the Awoken help? What even are the Awoken?” Rey asked.

   “Gcarin’s mother explained it to me. The Awoken are the Forces attempt to balance out the galaxy. With most of the natural born Force users either killed when my nephew betrayed me, or in the service of the Knights of Ren. The Force itself is awakening the Force potential in those who can best stem the tide of the First Order’s evil. I’ve felt the Awakening… and I think I can pin down who else is an Awoken aside from you and Finn.” Luke said as he entered names into a console.

   “Can you sense names to the people who are Awoken, can the Force really show you such things?” Rey asked.

   “I have my suspicions; I’ve pieced together who might be Awoken through my meditations. Many of them will be hard to convince, lives of their own in one way or another.” Luke said.

   “I was a scavenger on Jakku, and Finn used to be a First Order Storm Trooper.” Rey pointed out.

   “Fair enough, but other Awoken could have better lives then what you both had… and other Awoken in Imperial space. Awoken that could be snatched up by the First Order, and indoctrinated by the Knights of Ren. For those unfortunate souls, we might be able to save them… but I haven’t been certain of myself for a long time.” Luke admitted.

   “No one is asking you to do this.” Rey said.

   “No one… except for my father, Old Ben, Yoda, and hundreds if not thousands more ghosts from the past, some I knew personally or from history… or people I had no idea even existed. But this galaxy needs the Jedi to return. To keep the peace and to show that… even after I’ve been beaten and broken. That I will never give up to make amends for my father’s mistakes.” Luke said.

   “That’s another thing that’s been bugging me of late. Kylo Ren believes that what Darth Vader was… good, to a degree.” Rey said.

   “Couldn’t tell you, he learned that Anakin was Darth Vader and… it just went downhill from there.” Luke said.

   “It’s much worse then you believe Luke.” Gcarin’s mother said, appearing to the two.

   “What...? where you even in the building in the first place?” Rey asked.

   “Does it truly matter? But more to the point… when I faced Darth Vader on Malachor decades ago, I could sense the conflict within him. He offered to spare me… at a cost, one that would have been devastating to the early Rebellion. As I have meditated over the years, I figured it out. Vader was a spirit of sorts, born of Anakin’s anger, frustration, anxiety, and his fears. When you redeemed your father over the moon of Endor Luke, Anakin finally retook control… long enough to save you from the Emperor. Anakin is one with the Force, while for all these long years, Vader has been lingering in a sort of limbo state… waiting for a host for him to take.” Gcarin’s mother explained at length.

   “What kind of host?” Luke said.

   “One of blood to his previous host… Luke. I’m telling you that Snoke targeted your nephew, specifically so that he could turn him into a host for Darth Vader’s return.” Gcarin’s mother said.

   “I see… is there any time to save him?” Luke asked solemnly.

   “I’m afraid not, the Freemakers have had little luck tracking with the Orrery… and there currently having a break rather than bang their heads against the metaphorical wall… it’s mainly Rowan doing the actual work with the Orrery but that’s beside the point. Even then… both my daughter Barriss and I have sensed the Maelstrom that rages.” Gcarin’s mother said.

   “And this… Maelstrom? You can sense where it is?” Rey asked.

   “Yes, but where I do not know. It is blocked by a Void within the Force. Far more powerful than even the one I made that concealed the C’hol system. That is why we need the Orrery to find them.” Gcarin’s mother said.

   “But, what if we use the Orrery? So far only Rowan has been using it, and we’re… we’re arguably the most powerful Force users in the entire galaxy.” Rey said.

   “It’s better than doing nothing. I’ll sort through Awoken recruits latter.” Luke said.

   The three then made their way to the Orrery, as the Freemakers had finished there break. “Uh… I can explain why we weren’t working on it for about three hours.” Roger said.

   “Don’t apologize; just let us use the Orrery, Rowan, would you mind helping an old friend?” Luke asked of Rowan.

   “Really?... guys, why didn’t we try asking for help before? I mean almost every Kaminoan on this planet is Force Sensitive, and a few of the Legionarres have turned out to be Awoken.” Rowan asked.

   “You know… that’s a very good question Rowan, and someday we may know. Now go on buddy, you’ve got an evil man to find.” Zander said.

   Luke, Rey, Gcarin’s mother and Rowan focused on the Orrery. Eventually, they found the planet where Snoke was… along with Barriss Fy’nyx, Darth Coorva, and Kylo Ren.

   “Had Abbadon… there on Had Abbadon, we must contact Gcarin, and tell him we’ve found the First Order’s secret base!” Gcarin’s mother said.

   “You know this world?” Rey asked.

   “I only know of it from legend… all they say is that the planet will be host to a battle that will shatter the planet itself, and will lead to a great war. Beyond that, I don’t know much about Had Abbadon personally.” Gcarin’s mother explained.

   “Thank... thank you for your help, Mrs. Fy’nyx.” Rey said in exhaustion from focusing on the Orrery.

   “Please dear, save your strength. Moreover, you may call me Ahsoka.” Ahsoka said.



I think we're nearing an end point, the First Order base has been found, and Ahsoka has just outright stated her name... and on a more important note, is that the First Order is stepping up there game, and it's revealed why Snoke had an interest in that whiny little Edge Lord in the first place.

And if you have a better explanation why he overlooks temper tantrums, please... comment.
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ZackWriter23's avatar
i thought Kamino was the only place with cloning technology.

Darth Coorva's joke...i don't think i want to know what that's about. O-o

i knew it was Ahsoka.^^